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CamPain and Coproduction

What we've done and what we want to do in the future.

Our ethos is to cooperate with partners in the NHS and VCS as much as possible and where consistent with us retaining our independence and autonomy. We all think that it’s very important that pain patients play a big part in co-designing and shaping the services that we use. We believe that the best service achievable within available resources will be reached by collaborative working between lived and learnt experience. We have the utmost respect for those who have dedicated their careers to understanding and treating chronic pain. Equally important is the direct experience of living with pain – we are the experts in our own condition and what we have to say and contribute is of great value and impact.

To this end, we are extremely interested in working with the NHS and VCS to help improve services. Equally, we are committed to helping other patient groups by sharing our experience of running a peer-to-peer support group.



What we have already done


  • Collaborated with the Patient Director of Camden MSK to co-produce a major group event.


  • Co-organised an online pain management programme refresher with Lead Physiotherapist at UCLH Pain Management Centre for CamPain members.

  • Contributed to development of NICE guidelines on chronic pain treatment as a recognised stakeholder.


  • Co-produced the Camden MSK Services online Lockdown Group during the first lockdown. Held up as an exemplar of a Beneficial Change by NHS Change Challenge.

  • Given advice to multiple NHS MSK/Patient Engagement healthcare professionals about establishing and running support groups for pain patients.

  • Pain Space, the patient initiated pain management/support meetings which provided the platform for this group to form, was itself a coproduction between pain patients and the Camden Pain Service.

See our pages on Working with Partners and Ally Testimonies for further details.


What we are doing and will do in future

  • Provide advice to any patient groups or healthcare professionals who contact us to hear about our experiences and listen to our advice about peer support for people with persistent pain.

  • We have a number of group members who are interested in participating in such coproduction and engagement activity.

  • We can put together a panel to discuss a range of issues, from our thoughts about pain management programmes to peer support and any other topic related to chronic pain management.

Please do get in touch with us on the email below or DM us on Twitter if you would like to discuss any of the above.

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